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How to convert any Android 2.3.3 App for BlackBerry 10.1 and above (Windows & Mac)

How to convert any Android 2.3.3 App for BlackBerry 10.1 and above (Windows & Mac) - BlackBerry Community has been exploring ways to maximize their experience for their BlackBerry 10 devices and recently, a more advanced method has been discovered to convert any Android 2.3.3 App (APK) for BlackBerry 10. Having said that, not all converted BAR are able to run well in BB10.

One of the obvious reason why people will use this method of conversion is saving the trouble of loading different version of Instagram into their BlackBerry.

Need to give credit to xsacha for showing us all how to get it done!

So let's just get started!

First thing first, you need to download these 2 (JRE and Android Pack)
- Accept License Agreement and select the right JRE based on your existing OS.

2. You need to submit request at BlackBerry Site for Debug token which is a prerequisite to convert.
- Make sure you select "For BlackBerry PlayBook OS and BlackBerry 10 and Higher"
- Fill up your Personal Information and REMEMBER the PIN aka PASSPIN you set, for eg. 0123456
- It may take a few hours for BlackBerry to reply you with the files (.CSJ File) required to create a Debug token.

3. Android Pack
- Mac

Extract them and remember their location. You may want to extract them to your Desktop for easy reference. I recommend you to create a folder and in my case, I name it "Android Pack"

4. After you extracted, open "config.txt" file and you should see this:
set PASSPIN=0123456
:: Example: 0123456 (This is what you registered with on the website)

set PASSKEY=0123456
:: Example: rocket11 (This is a password you make up and remember)

set DEVICEPIN=2ace0f92
:: Example: 2ace0f92 (This is the PIN on your BlackBerry 10 device)
:: Example: (This is the IP address of your phone. Default is USB. Change if you want WiFi)

:: Example: blackberry (This is the developer mode password of your phone)

Once you are done, close it after saving the file.

5. At this point, you wait for BlackBerry to email you those 2 CSJ files and once you received them, extract it to the same location where you extract your Android Pack folder.

6. Select these 2 CSJ files, drag and drop these 2 files to "RegisterToken". Everything else are pretty automated. You should receive confirmation email about your registration. Bear in mind your BlackBerry 10 device must be connected to your laptop if you are using USB cable to transfer token and "Development Mode" is activated.

Press any key to continue twice to exit.

7. At the end of this process, you should see DebugToken.BAR in the same folder.

8. From here you can drag and drop any APK you wish to convert to ConvertAndroidApp and it will start converting and you will see BAR file created in the same folder your APK exist.

9. You may drag and drop the BAR file to Install to install it to your BlackBerry 10 device. You may also use either DDPB software or Playbook App Manager if you are using Chrome.

What if you have 2 or more BB 10 devices?

What I did is to change the BlackBerry Pin of another BB10 device I want to sideload, in the CONFIG.TXT, DEVICEPIN.

Click Renewtoken and install file into the BB10 device. It will work for the rest of the Bars you want to sideload.

Do the same when you want to switch to another BB10 device to sideload.

What to do when near expiring or expired?
Simple, just click Renewtoken and install to your BB10 device. You may have to remove debug token from your device first. Just to be safe.

Below is the link where you can download Android APK:

If you think this post had helped you, please share this to help others else well. Thanks!
Crossing Post Via : Petrasite