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5 Ways to Turn Twitter into Your Most Powerful Social Media Tool

5 Ways to Turn Twitter into Your Most Powerful Social Media Tool - Article from
What do you use as your daily Social Media dashboard every day?
Most likely not I am guessing.
Yet, in recent months, there were a great number of browser extensions released, specifically for They help you create a much greater experience right inside
What I like best about this is that you are in charge regarding how many bells and whistles you are adding. You can basically fully customize your own Social Media dashboard.
So here are my top 5 finds you can use to make a truly powerful Social Media tool for you:

Tool #1. Klout for Chrome

Function: Find top users more easily
There has been a lot of discussion around Klout in the last few months. One aspect, where it helps me greatly to make my daily Social Media life more efficient, is deciding how to best interact.

When I only have a few minutes at hand every morning, being able to glance through my Twitter stream with everyone’s Klout score next to their Tweets is a great filter. It helps me make better decisions and at the same time deepen my most important connections:
Twitter Tool Klout for Chrome

Tool #2. Buffer

Functions: Optimal timing, multiple accounts posting and old school retweets
Another extension I am using every day is Buffer’s Chrome extension. It puts a brand new Buffer button right into next to your Tweet button. If you click it, you can conveniently add any new Tweet to your Buffer to be posted later on at a better time:
Twitter tool Buffer
The extension also allows you to Buffer your retweets, either posting them now in old school retweet style or later on, when more of your followers will be online.
Buffer for Chrome
There is plenty of more places you can now Buffer from on Personally, I love going through my Twitter lists of top Social Media experts, Buffering everything that’s handy, without flooding my followers.

Tool #3. Pocket

Function: Save your best article finds to be read later
How often does it happen to you, that you come across a terrific article, but can’t read it right now because you are just too busy? From now on, instead of letting it go into Twitter’s limbo, just save it to be read later on with Pocket’s browser extension:

Pocket Twitter tool
This way, you can save any article you are finding on Twitter to a reading list available any time later on for you. Personally, I found this to be a terrific way to just spend a few minutes browsing, and “pocketing” everything worth exploring later on:

Twitter tool Pocket

Tool #4. Tweet Filter

Function: Unclutter your Twitter stream from the noise

One problem I have on Twitter is that it often takes lots of Tweets to glance through, until I spot one that is worth reading. And a lot of the time, it’s not even the people, it’s just that I am looking for certain things throughout the day.

With Tweet Filter, you can easily customize this for your own Twitter stream, getting rid of those Tweets that don’t add any value for you at that moment. Filter out words like “4sq, twitpic or award”. Whatever happens to add little value to you:
Tweet Filter

Tool #5. Embedly

Function: Get full media previews right inside
The last goodie I have for you to really make as powerful as it gets is a neat extension called Embedly. It allows you to expand any Tweet to show you the full article or video view right inside
I find this to be a huge time saver. You don’t have to click through and see if the headline is really what you expected, but you can just read the first few paragraphs right where you discover that content:
Embedly Twitter Tool

5 Quick Workflow Tips To Optimize Your Day On Twitter

Adding those 5 lightweight solutions to your Chrome browser have saved me hours of time every day. In case this helps you at all with your personal workflow, here is how I approach every morning on Twitter with just 20 minutes per day:
  1. Glance through Tweets spotting the best ones using the Klout extension.
  2. Previewing the articles I like best with Embedly right on
  3. Saving those I want to go into more detail with Pocket to read later on
  4. Adding the best Tweets straight to my Buffer as old school retweets.
  5. Filter out any words that annoy me with Tweet Filter (this is something I don’t do daily though)

How about You?
