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MagicTrafficBot With Traffic Refferal Support

MagicTrafficBot ™ can Customize the referrer link to appear from any website or webpage you choose. Imagine all interested webmasters all clicking on your website.

The link below the impact were generated up to 5 seconds using MagicTrafficBot ™

Automatic and Ping as many sites as you like, perfectly legally ......... ping site once, 100 times, 1000 times, it is up to you.
Massive trigger a chain reaction that will explode your traffic and send Page Counter spinning.
Create a permanent flood Target visitorseach and every week ... and do it 100% completely free from your computer!

Imagine ... Wall-to-wall traffic jams red hot
Targeted Hungry Visitors hot Traffic Counter - And we
It is worth mentioning that allthe traffic is 100% free?

Our pre-launch test "Amazed, even us!

You will love this story

First We have developed a Testpage "and called him" Beware-TAI-SITE.html "

Second Then we sent MagicTrafficBot ™ to do your stuff, finding and pinging thousands of targeted sites within an hour.

Within a few days we had curious webmasters flood, thinking is a website to talk bad about your website and services.
The best part.

File size : 1.2 MB
