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Imacros Scripts For Earn free points (working 100%)

Hi Friends in this tutorial i will show you how to earn points from addmefast using imacros script is a site where you can earn points from different ways like others f.b pages visit websites follow on twitter etc etc and you can use your points for get likes on your f.b page you can also use to get traffic on your site etc

first install this addon in your firefox browser

imacros download here

after this download these scripts

scripts download here

after download scripts extract .rar file and copy all .iim files and past this location

copy/paste your macro in "C:/User/YOURCOMPUTERNAME/Documents/imacros/macros"

after pasting your files in this location open your firefox browser and click on imacros icon

after click on imacros icon you will see this .

Select any option like fb_pagelikes fb_postlikes etc etc

NOTE :  fb_pagelikes fb_postlikes do not work first goto fb_pagelikes location and then run script it's work well .

and in max type any value you want like this 200 or 2000
and then click on play loop
make sure when you do this your facebook and addmefast  account is login

hope you like this