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Addmefast Bot 1.3.7 Latest Version Earn Free Points

AsSaLaM-0-ALaiKuM Friends today i'm going to share with you addmefast bot. using this you can earn points on addmefast with doing nothing & you can increase your social performance without any effort.
Features : 
1. Website Visit Mode
2. Penterest Likes
3. Penteresr Re-Pins
4. Penterest Followers
5. Facebook  Fan Page Likes
6. Facebook Post Likes
7. Facebook Shares
8. Facebook Follows
9. Twitter Followers
10. Twitter Re-Tweets
11. Twitter Favorites
12. Youtube Subscribes
13. Google + Add 
Real Price of This Tool : $25

But Free of Cost for Readers of

File Size : 5.3 MB

Password : Black-services
